output GSCA (Generalized Struktural Component Analysis)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Model Fit
FIT 0.534
AFIT 0.525

Measurement Model
Variable Loading Weight SMC
  Estimate SE CR Estimate SE CR Estimate SE CR
LV_1 AVE = 0.616, Alpha =0.832
prod_3 0.773 0.060 12.96* 0.231 0.031 7.35* 0.598 0.090 6.66*
prod_4 0.812 0.043 18.73* 0.256 0.028 9.22* 0.659 0.070 9.47*
prod_5 0.833 0.033 25.38* 0.273 0.026 10.37* 0.693 0.054 12.78*
prod_6 0.822 0.045 18.2* 0.306 0.031 9.73* 0.676 0.074 9.18*
prod_7 0.673 0.075 8.93* 0.200 0.030 6.72* 0.452 0.098 4.63*
LV_2 AVE = 0.646, Alpha =0.776
prof_1 0.493 0.138 3.59* 0.213 0.053 4.03* 0.243 0.127 1.92
prof_2 0.909 0.022 41.74* 0.347 0.027 12.61* 0.826 0.039 21.04*
prof_3 0.887 0.028 32.15* 0.329 0.024 13.72* 0.786 0.049 16.16*
prof_4 0.854 0.038 22.29* 0.337 0.026 12.98* 0.729 0.065 11.24*
LV_3 AVE = 0.000, Alpha =0.686
mo_1 0 0 0 -0.287 0.269 1.06 0 0 0
mo_2 0 0 0 0.278 0.296 0.94 0 0 0
mo_3 0 0 0 0.552 0.344 1.6 0 0 0
mo_4 0 0 0 0.660 0.287 2.3* 0 0 0
mo_5 0 0 0 -0.612 0.243 2.52* 0 0 0
LV_4 AVE = 0.671, Alpha =0.867
kep_1 0.868 0.054 16.05* 0.262 0.024 10.99* 0.753 0.090 8.34*
kep_2 0.795 0.113 7.05* 0.236 0.024 9.64* 0.632 0.168 3.76*
kep_3 0.887 0.044 20.16* 0.268 0.021 12.98* 0.787 0.077 10.23*
kep_4 0.851 0.044 19.47* 0.248 0.021 11.73* 0.723 0.073 9.95*
kep_5 0.676 0.131 5.14* 0.201 0.036 5.55* 0.457 0.168 2.72*
CR* = significant at .05 level
Structural Model
Path Coefficients
  Estimate SE CR
LV_2->LV_1 0.618 0.091 6.81*
LV_3->LV_1 0.282 0.076 3.69*
LV_4->LV_1 -0.104 0.071 1.47
CR* = significant at .05 level
R square of Latent Variable
LV_1 0.598
LV_2 0
LV_3 0
LV_4 0
Means Scores of Latent Variables
LV_1 8.738
LV_2 8.625
LV_3 9.079
LV_4 8.252
Correlations of Latent Variables (SE)
  LV_1 LV_2 LV_3 LV_4
LV_1 1 0.730 (0.042)* 0.584 (0.116)* 0.171 (0.114)
LV_2 0.730 (0.042)* 1 0.525 (0.160)* 0.346 (0.108)*
LV_3 0.584 (0.116)* 0.525 (0.160)* 1 0.217 (0.165)
LV_4 0.171 (0.114) 0.346 (0.108)* 0.217 (0.165) 1
* significant at .05 level  
LV : Variabel laten

FIT          : pengukuran overall model fit
AFIT  : mirip dengan FIT Cuma dipengaruhi kompleksitas model.
N Par : parameter bebas termasuk koefisien loading (c) , koefisien bobot (w), dan koefisien jalur (b) .
Estimasi Loading (c)                : estimasi parameter yang menghubungkan variabel laten ke indikator
Estimasi weight  (w)                : bobot komponen yang mengestimasi score variabel laten
Estimasi Part Coeffisient (b) : estimasi koefisien jalur  yang menghubungkan hubungan antar variabel laten.
SMC : square Estimasi Loading